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Particulars of organisation, functions and duties

Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Bhavnagar, one of the seven chemical science laboratories under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), was established on 10 April 1954. Since then it has developed into a multidisciplinary research Institute with a blend of scientists and technologists having specialization in chemical, biological and engineering sciences. At present the Institute has around 350 staff on its roll and around 100 project assistants. ...More

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Functions :

The vision of the institute is to be a highly creative, result-oriented, responsible and self-sustaining laboratory which synergies internal and external capabilities to :

  • Constantly improve upon and popularize the knowledge and innovations required for optimum utilization of our coastal resources.
  • Anticipate opportunities and broaden the scope of associated technologies developed.
  • Address, wherever possible, specific needs of industries and organizations in the region and beyond.

Vision, Mission, Objectives & Organization Chart