Title of Process/ Know-how/ Product/Design/Equipment
Bacterial detection kit
Application/Uses/Problem being addressed
Salient Technical Features including Competing Features/ Impact
This is a simple kit; bacterial detection can be made by observing color change. Time taken to change the color will determine the bacterial load.
TRL Level & Scale of Development:
Technology has been transferred to an industry
Business scope & opportunity (in terms of scale, cost, market etc.):
Aquaculture (shrimp) farms have started using this kit in the farm and also in the hatcheries. There is also business scope in the domestic user market.
Environmental Considerations:
The process does not involve any discharge; only 5×5 cm modified PVDF membrane will be generated after each testing. The Eppendorf tube can be washed, sterilize and reused.
Status of Licensing:
Licensed technologyStatus of Commercialization:
Ready for licensingTrial for commercialization is in progress
Major Raw Materials Needed
PVDF membrane and some non-hazardous chemicals
Major Plant Equipment and Machinery Required
Membrane manufacturing machine
Cost for large production: 1000 membrane strip cost ₹5,000
For home segment: 30 numbers of strip cost ₹300 (for monthly regular monitoring/family)
Technology Package
Know-how for preparation of functionalized PVDF membrane for bacterial detection and demonstration; Color chart for the extent of bacterial presence;