Title of Process/ Know-how/ Product/Design/Equipment
Flat sheet thin film composite (TFC) reverse osmosis membrane and spiral module making technology for brackish & seawater desalination including bio-degradation of organic effluent stream generated in the membrane process development
Application/Uses/Problem being addressed
Sea and brackish water desalination; treatment of wastewater containing aprotic polar solvents: DMF, DMAc and NMP
Salient Technical Features including Competing Features/ Impact
High flux and high salt rejecting antifouling membrane. Simple biodegradation of DMF (up to 30000 ppm within 48 h), DMAc and NMP (up to 10000 ppm within 96-120 h) contaminated water
TRL Level & Scale of Development:
For brackish water desalination membrane: TRL9
For sea water desalination membrane: TRL5
For effluent biodegradation: TRL4
Business scope & opportunity (in terms of scale, cost, market etc.):
The BWRO membrane technology is commercialized.
The seawater membrane technology is ready for demonstration at 100 m2 batch.
The effluent treatment technology is ready for demonstration at bench scale
Environmental Considerations:
Status of Licensing:
Ready for licensingBWRO membrane technology know-how transferred to-
Status of Commercialization:
Major Raw Materials Needed
Fabric, Polymer, Solvents, Water, Chemicals
Major Plant Equipment and Machinery Required
Membrane casting/coating machine; module rolling machines; membrane/module testing plant
Depends on the proposed capacity