Title of Process/ Know-how/ Product/Design/Equipment
Technology for the production of sulphate of potash & refractory grade magnesia from sea bittern
Application/Uses/Problem being addressed
Sulphate of Potash (SOP)
Ultra Pure Magnesia
Salient Technical Features including Competing Features/ Impact
TRL Level & Scale of Development:
Pilot Plant Scale
Business scope & opportunity (in terms of scale, cost, market etc.):
Economical viable integrated process with potash and magnesia production.
Environmental Considerations:
The technology developed is environmentally benign.
There is no effluent generated in the process that poses environmental problems
Status of Licensing:
Licensed technologyStatus of Commercialization:
Not yet commercializedMajor Raw Materials Needed
Sea bittern (mother liquor left after production of salt) & lime
Major Plant Equipment and Machinery Required
Belt conveyor, crushing unit, vessels with agitator, centrifuges, rotary calciner, intermediate storage tanks, fluid bed dryer, pumps, filter, packaging units etc.
Economically feasible as integrated process.
Technology Package
Technology package is ready and would be provided to the party at the time of technology transfer; License fee and other financial details would be provided on request.